👩‍💻 Human-AI Collaboration: Best Practices

DTP #59: How emerging AI rules can impact business

This week: 

  • As AI technology advances, governments are creating regulations affecting various industries, with initial focus on banking and healthcare; businesses, including retail, should prepare for compliance, particularly under laws like the EU AI Act. 

  • AI and human collaboration enhances performance and workforce efficiency through complementary strengths, comprehensive training, and inclusive access to AI technology, ensuring responsible and transparent decision-making. 

  • AI-powered nonprofits are rapidly growing, using AI to advance health, education, and climate goals, with an emphasis on safe and responsible deployment, benefiting both external impact and internal operation 

Read below. 

💼 AI in Business 

How emerging AI rules can impact business

As AI technology becomes more advanced and widely used across industries, lawmakers and government agencies are rushing to create regulations to address its impacts. This will affect various businesses, including retailers. 

  • Initial Focus on Heavily Regulated Sectors: Sectors like banking and healthcare will likely see AI regulations first, but other industries, including retail and e-commerce, should also prepare for future compliance requirements. 

  • EU AI Act Overview: The EU AI Act is a significant new law that will ban certain types of AI and heavily regulate others based on risk levels. The law, effective from May or June, includes grace periods varying by use case. Noncompliance can result in fines up to US$38 million or 7% of global revenue. 

  • AI Compliance Planning Steps: Companies should start by identifying all AI uses within their ecosystem. Keeping a comprehensive list will help in quickly identifying areas needing compliance. 

  • Existing Regulations Influence: Current regulations will likely extend to cover AI, especially in areas like data privacy. The Federal Trade Commission has already warned that AI use violating data privacy commitments can incur penalties under existing consumer protection rules

Human-AI Collaboration: Best Practices 

AI technology is fostering deeper integration with daily human activities, moving beyond science fiction into practical applications such as data summarization and art generation. As we approach the era of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), the collaboration between humans and AI is expected to evolve significantly.  

This transition phase, described by Dr. Ben Goertzel as Narrow AGI, aims to incorporate multiple cognitive abilities into AI systems, making them more versatile and adaptive, in line with Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences. 

The Open Talent Economy 

The future of work is evolving beyond competition between humans and machines. The open talent economy, according to an article in the Harvard Business Review, signifies a major shift in how companies utilize skilled professionals. For example, digital platforms now allow organizations to access a global pool of freelancers, offering flexibility and specialized skills as needed. This model enhances workforce efficiency by combining the strengths of AI and human talent, rather than replacing jobs. 

Augmenting Human Intelligence with AI 

AI should enhance human intelligence while keeping humans responsible for decisions. To achieve this, employees need to be upskilled through comprehensive training and potential reskilling.  

Best Practices: 

  1. Augment Human Intelligence: Use AI to support, not replace, human decision-making. 

  2. Transparency: Inform individuals when they are interacting with AI systems. 

  3. Human Oversight: Ensure human oversight throughout the AI lifecycle to address biases and maintain accountability. 

  4. Inclusive Access: Develop policies for broad and equitable access to AI technology. 

  5. Training and Reskilling: Implement comprehensive training and reskilling programs to help employees adapt and benefit from AI advancements. 

A study by Hemmer et al. (2024) shows AI and humans achieve superior performance together, leveraging their complementary strengths in tasks like real estate appraisal and image classification. 

🌐 From the Web 

Meta will withhold future multimodal AI models from the EU due to regulatory uncertainty, highlighting tensions between U.S. tech giants and European regulators. 

Companies prefer smaller, cost-efficient AI models over large, expensive ones for narrow, repetitive tasks, finding them more practical and scalable for many enterprise use cases. 

Nvidia's fourth acquisition this year, Brev.dev, helps AI developers find cost-effective GPU compute across cloud providers, expanding Nvidia's DGX Cloud capabilities. 

🏳️ AI for Good

The Landscape of AI-Powered Nonprofits

Like the unpredictable evolution of personal computers, AI's impact by 2050 is expected to be significantly different and broader than current projections. Nonprofits are using AI innovatively across various sectors, following common patterns of innovation. 

  • Need for a Landscape Overview: An organized overview helps demystify AI's role in nonprofits, enabling other social entrepreneurs to build and funders to support impactful AI initiatives. 

  • Research Findings: Google.org's research highlights AI's progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in health (SDG 3), education (SDG 4), and climate action (SDG 13). 

  • Rapid Growth: The APN sector is growing rapidly, with a 300% increase in AI applications for SDGs since 2018 and a 600% increase in AI-powered nonprofit applicants to Fast Forward’s Startup Accelerator. 

  • Implementation and Value: Even without direct AI applications, nonprofits can benefit from AI in internal operations, such as personalized marketing and automating repetitive tasks. 

  • Responsible AI Deployment: Emphasizing safe usage, data privacy, and avoiding bias, especially when working with vulnerable populations. 

 🤖 Prompt of the week 

Are there any deadlock problems in the following code? [Insert code] 

See you next week, 

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